5 Easy Ways to Cure Vape Tongue

We at VapeCloud are commited to offer you with best quality vape products, yet sometimes vape tongue happen. Itā€™s annoying, isnā€™t it? We get you!Ā 

So, what is vape tongue? Basically, vape tongue or vaper tongue is a temporary situation which you lose the ability to taste the e-liquid you puff from your vape device. Since it is temporary, it can be easily fix and cure within 1-2 days. Itā€™s a bummer, but hey, sometimes you have to experience this kind of thing to figure out better way to explore and enjoy your vape.Ā 

In this article we will talk about why vape tongue happen, 5 simple ways to fix it and get to know the side effects of vaping that you may want to pay attention to. Vaping is less harmful option for smoking cessation (based on article on NHS page), it may be your gateway to reduce nicotine intake in safer way. However, remember to always vape safely and responsibly. Getting vaper tongue can be a sign you need to hit a brake on that vaping a bit, then get back to it slowly and moderately. Without much babble, letā€™s get to how to cure your vape tongue!


  • Vape tongue (a.k.a. Vapers tongue) is a temporary condition of not being able to taste your e-liquid flavor.
  • The most common cause of vape tongue is dehydration
  • Some of the ways to cure vape tongue are to drink enough water, occasionally switch your e-liquid flavors, and try to smell fresh coffee beans or suck a slice of lemon
  • Vaping can be an alternative to smoking but may also cause some health risks like addiction, brain fog, lung diseases and cancer. Vape responsibly and moderately.

Picture credit: Renz Macorol


Cause of Vape Tongue and How to Get Rid Vape TongueĀ 

Some of the common causes of vape tongue are dehydration, using the same e-liquid flavor for too long, blocked nose, and some oral health issues. You may not be able to taste your vape juice but can still taste your food. It is okay! This may be because of the combination of smell, texture and temperature that present in the food which are missing in e-liquid. In an article of how our taste worksĀ published in National Library of Medicine, we need these three combinations to be able to fully experience flavors. So, if you lose the taste of your vape juice, it may be due to the loss of one of those three conditions, e.g. lose sense of smell or your palette is dirty.

Here is a list of reasons why you may have vaperā€™s tongue or vape tongue:

  • Dry mouth or Dehydration: Try to drink enough water please! and make sure you drink fresh water or mineral water. Do not drink coke or other high in sugar drinks.
  • Using same e-liquid flavor for too long may cause vapersā€™ tongue due to olfactory fatigue. This can happen when you vape overly sweet or intense flavored e-liquid for too long. Remember that we need combination of smell, texture, and temperature to taste anything. So, when your nose are getting used to smelling the same e-liquid itā€™s no wonder that you lose taste of it too.Ā Just remember how it is like when you use the same perfume or cologne for too long, other people can definitely smell it, but you smell nothing. Same goes with e-liquid. You may want to stop using the same e-liquid brand and flavor to fix this vape tongue. Just try out new e-liquid flavors every other month, so your taste buds are also stimulated with new exciting flavors every now and then. Check out our collection of e-liquids to explore more flavor variations.
  • Poor oral health can caused vape tongue as well, if you rarely brush your teeth and clean your tongue. Make sure you brush your teeth and use mouthwash too. Avoid brushing it roughly as it may damage your gum and tongue to. Just do it moderately and thoroughly.Ā 
  • Chain Vaping is one of the cause of vape tongue. When you vape non-stop, this can trigger the blandness taste in your tongue. It is basically a sign from your body to make you stop vaping for a bit and dehydrate for awhile. Take a break from vaping for few hours or even a day or two. Have gum, a squeeze of lemon juice or a candy in between too.
  • Stress can cause vape tongue too. When you are exposed to a lot of pressure at the same time, it is no wonder that you are looking for a bit of escape in vaping. But, really what you need is taking a deep breath and make time for yourself.

Another reason why you get vape tongue may be because you smoke and vape at the same time. Based on recent research on vaping in New Zealand published in 2023 on "Effects of vaping on uptake and cessation of smoking", it is understood that many adults who smoke transition to vaping while frequently smoking in between. Yes, we get it that may be you still need to get used to be away from smoking. But, to make a successful smoking cessation, you can start to gradually decrease your smoking and have break from both every now and then.Ā 

See any indication of further oral health problems and see your doctor if the vape tongue continues for over 3-5 days after quit vaping and drinking enough water.Ā 

Ammo star vape product,Ā available at VapeCloud

How to avoid vape tongueĀ 

The best way to avoid vape tongue is to take break from vaping every few hours and even a day or two. Make sure you stay hydrated and take care of your oral health. Every now and then it is reasonable that we have stressful days and want to have some good puffs, but being mindful of our stress and taking care of ourselves are important too.

Vape tongue is not the end of the world, but you do need to pay attention to it. Remember that our body sends signal to what we need, listen to that signal is the first step to better awareness and hopefully a more responsible vaping as well.Ā 

Other Side Effects of Vaping

Vaping is said to be a safer alternatives for making successful smoking cessation. However, there is no without risk as well. Vaping is fairly new compared to smoking, so more research is needed to find out the side effects of vaping.

Based on a health articleĀ published by Oncology Republic, vaping may cause oral dryness, gum diseases and cavities that starts to show in young adults in their 20s. These problems were usually visible in older smokers, but as vaping grow rapidly and may be due to chain vaping as well, these oral problems start to appear. A recent health literature reviews on vapingĀ published in NCBIĀ also concluded that vapers tend to have more oral problems than non-smokers or non-vapers, but still have less severe oral problems compared to traditional smokers. Some of the potential risks mentioned are increased risk of periodontitis and caries.

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Vape tongue can cause discomfort for vapers. Not only that they are unable to taste the vape juice as they puff, but also making vaping unenjoyable. When the causes of vape tongue can varies, it is important that we vape responsibly and mindfully. Making sure that we take breaks in between vaping, staying dehydrated and taking care of our oral health, vaping can be enjoyable again. We at VapeCloud will make sure to provide you with the best vaping products and offering you suggestion needed whenever you ping us. Feel free to reach out to us should you have any vape products questions.

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